Underwater Imagery

Underwater imagery can be generated via several different methodologies, with information used to detect debris, review seabed objects, assess the condition of underwater infrastructure, highlight wrecks or review sensitive environmental habitats.

Works can be completed utilising a variety of sensors, whilst data sets are viewed top-side in real time affording the opportunity to direct works to specific areas of interest.

Underwater imagery can be provided as high resolution digital stills, ROV mounted underwater videos or tripod mounted remote videos. Side-scan sonar data can also be provided as a mosaic image to highlight seabed features.

Video outputs include full narration on seabed composition, pipeline routes, outfall location / condition and commentary on any significant findings, such as scouring, or environmental features such as marine habitats.

Scan of underwater pipe

From an environmental perspective, underwater images and video footage can be collected to assist with ground truth multibeam backscatter data and within the seabed characterisation process.

Additionally, underwater imagery is particularly useful when building a historical database of the conditions of the seabed in a given area, enabling comparisons to be made between current and previous conditions.

underwater imagery
side-scan sonar imagery

Many projects benefit from underwater imagery, from scour assessment works around bridge piers to dock wall assessments, habitat mapping and object detection. Our proven methodologies offer a cost-effective solution for high quality images over more common place diver-led operations, which can be limited by range capability.

Potential applications for underwater imagery;

  • Pipeline & underwater cable surveying [asset inspection works].

  • Bridge & pontoon inspections [evidence of scouring and structural stability].

  • Water, sewer and outfall inspection [condition and inspection reports].

  • Sea life monitoring and assessment [seabed habitat monitoring].

  • Potential pollution inspection, i.e. vessel grounding, wreck inspection [seabed debris and object detection].

  • Search & recovery of missing assets, i.e. aircraft, ships, equipment, cargo [asset recovery works].

Oceanographic Survey Services

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