Aspect Land & Hydrographic Surveys Ltd completed a contract to undertake bathymetric and seabed characterisation surveys at various locations along the East Coast by Scarborough Borough Council as part of the Coastal Cell 1 monitoring schedule.
The surveys were carried out along the East Coast of England between the River Tyne (Tyne & Wear) and Filey Bay (North Yorkshire). Data acquisition was undertaken using RTK GPS and high resolution mutlibeam survey equipment and a dedicated swathe bathymetry survey vessel. Survey areas extended offshore from the line of Mean High Water Neaps (at time of high water) to the 20m isobath.
At selected profiles, seabed sediment grab samples were recovered at nominal 1km intervals extending 5Km offshore. Samples were logged and then processed for sediment particle size including detail on sorting, skewness and kurtosis within each sample.
Seabed geomorphology was reported from multibeam backscatter imagery which was processed within Geocoder software. The software package radiometrically corrects the backscatter intensities registered by the multibeam sonar, and then geometrically corrects and positions each acoustic sample into a backscatter mosaic image.
Within the final deliverables, Fledermaus IView 4D viewer software and project *.sd/*.scene files were included enabling the client / engineer to visualise the data sets in 3D.