Aspect Land & Hydrographic Surveys Ltd has recently completed a nearshore survey contract to support the hydrographic survey schedule at the site of the proposed Kincardine Offshore Windfarm, located south-east of Aberdeen.
Working in partnership with Horizon Geosciences Ltd, the work scope comprised of multibeam bathymetry, side-scan sonar, sub-bottom profiling and magnetometer surveys in the nearshore coastal waters, extending to the 20m contour, and supported similar offshore works completed by Horizon.
Utilising the vessel Remote Sensor, the works were completed within the agreed short-order timescales with all data capture, post-processing and reporting completed in-house. Final deliverables were issued shortly after demobilisation, well ahead of the required deadline.
With a proven track record in delivering data sets for offshore renewable energy projects, Aspect have provided similar services to the energy industry for over 10 years and worked at the vast majority of UK offshore windfarm sites.
For further information regarding Kincardine Offshore Wind, please see