Nine members of our offshore staff have attended a JNCC accredited training course are attained Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) certification.

It is a prerequisite for all MMO personnel working in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) to have undertaken a recognised course, and in accordance with this a number of offshore staff within our Hydrographic Survey division have undergone appropriate training and are registered with the Joint Nature Conservancy Committee (JNCC).

Aspect staff achieve MMO certification

Environmental regulations have been introduced to minimise negative impacts on marine wildlife, with particular focus on the maritime industry’s seismic exploration, both near shore and offshore, over a variety of projects and applications.

This has resulted in the introduction of environmental guidelines, designed to minimise negative impacts on marine wildlife, with Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) employed to implement these regulations in the field.

We can save costs to the end client by negating the need to outsource freelance personnel to oversee the statutory MMO requirement to mitigate noise propagation when working at sea whilst conducting multibeam bathymetric and geophysical surveys.