Aspect Land & Hydrographic Surveys Ltd has been appointed to undertake a large-scale, multi-discipline survey project on South Uist, in the Outer Hebrides.

The survey extents encompass nearshore waters, inter-tidal areas and the mainland water, and as such will require wide ranging survey techniques to be utilised, including UAV aerial drones c/w LiDAR, multibeam bathymetry, land-based topographic survey and GPR / utility mapping technologies.

South Uist

Survey teams are currently preparing to mobilise to the site to undertake the required works, fully experienced and qualified to operate one of our R2Sonic 2024 multibeam systems, a MALĂ… GPR Ground Explorer, a Trimble UX5 HP UAV Aerial Imaging System and our bespoke UAV mounted LiDAR system.

Due to the extent of the survey area (approximately 1,300 hectares), a multiple methodology approach will be used, utilising both land-based LiDAR / mobile mapping technology methods in the central areas, as well as UAVs which will be used to capture data in the hard to reach, and potentially hazardous, outer extents of the survey area.

Multibeam bathymetry will be conducted in the coastal regions of the site, taking account of the prevailing tidal range, to ensure an overlap with the land based survey data sets is achieved.

This will allow us to provide a Digital Surface Model [DSM] and ortho-rectified mosaic imagery of the wider area issued in 1km tiles, as completed with our UAV drones, and a composite Digital Terrain Model [DTM] of the full site.

Upon completion of the project, the various data sets will be merged to provide the client with a complete GIS representation of the area, to be used for flood risk mapping purposes.